Take This started streaming in January of this year (thanks, pandemic!), and we’ve been having quite a lot of fun with Take This Plays, Take This Talks: Dev Day, and Take This Talks: Community Day. Now that we’ve learned a bit more about how it all works, we’ve decided to adjust things a bit.
We’re going to continue streaming Take This Plays, featuring the fantastic duo of Dr. Kelli Dunlap and Dr. B (and special guests) on the first and third Mondays of every month. However, we’ve decided to move our Take This Talks streams (second and fourth Mondays) to a more occasional schedule. Those streams have produced some really rich conversations and great connections, but they haven’t gotten the traction we’d like to see.
Take This Talks works best for the community as special streaming events that attract specific audiences and focus on topical and timely issues. So, we’re going to move to this revised streaming schedule, continue to create great content for the website, and hopefully produce great streams that are relevant and helpful to our community at times where it feels most accessible.
Keep an eye on our Twitter account for more info on upcoming Take This Talks events!