May is mental health awareness month! And while we at Take This celebrate mental health awareness and acceptance every day, May is an opportunity to spotlight the importance of mental health, reduce stigma surrounding mental illness, and promote the resources available to support individuals living with mental health challenges.
We’re kicking off Mental Health Month 2023 with a focus on burnout.
Burnout is a chronic condition and its effects can linger for a long time – months, or even years. It is categorized by the World Health Organization an “occupational syndrome,” meaning that it’s a collection of symptoms that come together to create discomfort and distress due to a mismatch between a person and their working environment. In other words, burnout is the result of chronic stress in the workplace.
Over the past year, we’ve done a deep dive into the topic of burnout with a focus on content creator burnout. Our burnout resource page is home to general information about burnout, factors that contribute to burnout, and how burnout shows up and impacts content creators specifically.
On May 1, 2023 we released a video on content creator burnout, the first in a three-part series. You can check it out below. For even more burnout video goodness, check out the GDC 2023 Occupational Burnout panel featuring Take This Clinical Director Dr. B as well as game industry heavyweights Osama Dorias, Anna Brandberg, and Alicia Fortier.
And burnout is just the beginning! Be sure to follow us on social media for a new mental health month tidbit, from game and mental health facts, to resources, to some of the staff’s favorite mental health games. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come in week 1!