Seattle is home base for Take This and we’ll be out in force at PAX West, September 1 – 4, 2023.
This year, we’re participating in NINE panels across all four days. These panels will feature a variety of Take This staff and associates, including our clinical director Dr. B., psychologist and qualitative researcher Elizabeth Kilmer, Ph.D., Take This Board Chair Tanya DePass, clinical contributor Sarah Hays, PsyD, and Take This Streaming Ambassadors Amanda Farough and Chris Leech. You can find all the panel details below.

If you need a break for the chaos of the convention, you can find us in the AFK Room at the Summit Building, 4th Floor South. We also have free resources to help you have a fun and safe con.
If you’re looking for merch, we’ve got you covered. Back by popular demand, we’ll be selling the bluest and orangest socks you’ve ever seen. We also have new pieces of merch that we’ll be debuting at the event. Stop by the Hope Booth at PAX Together Intersections (Summit, 4th Floor South) to grab these new items while they last.

Remember to hydrate, have fun, and say hi to any of the Take This crew if you see us at the event. Have an epic weekend at PAX West!
PAX West 2023 Schedule – Plain Text
Panel Name: Build and Better Mousetrap: Hands on Puzzle Design
Panel Date, Time: Friday, September 1st, 3:00pm PT
Location: Blue Morpho Theatre
Panelist: Elizabeth Kilmer, Ph.D.
Panel Name: Fantasy and Escapism Aren’t Always Bad
Panel Date, Time: Friday, September 1st, 3:00pm PT
Location: , Oriole Theatre
Moderator: Doctor B (he/him) – @TheeDoctorB
Panelist List: Zach Deocadiz (he/they) – @zkdeocadiz Jenesee Grey (she/her) – @jenesee Travis Windleharth (he/they) – @windleharth Anya Combs (she/her) – @anyayna Mitra Jordan (she/her) – @MitraJordan
Panel Name: Wrong Answers Only: Terrible Advice From Great GMs…Part Deux
Panel Date, Time: Friday, September 1st, 6:00pm PT
Location: Oriole Theatre
Moderator: Doctor B (he/him) – @TheeDoctorB
Panelist List: Cypheroftyr (she/her) – @cypheroftyr Makenzie De Armas (she/her) – @MakenzieLaneDA Lauren Urban (she/her) – @OboeLauren HTTPaladin (they/them) – @HTTPaladin Amelia Herbst (she/her) – @Wanderingshrink
Panel Name: It Builds Character(s): TTRGPs and Social-Emotional Learning
Panel Date, Time: Saturday, September 2 at 11:00 AM PT
Location: Blue Morpho Theater
Moderator: Sarah Hays, PsyD
Panel Name: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dragons
Panel Date, Time: Saturday, September 2 at 3:00 PM PT
Location: Oriole Theatre
Moderator: Elizabeth Kilmer (she/they) – @DoctorKilmer
Panelist List: Jessica McCabe, (she/her) – @HowtoADHD Dani Donovan, (she/her) – @DaniDonovan Manda Farough, (she/her) – @AmandaFarough Hadeel, (she/her) – @twittysuch
Panel Name: Finding Your Place in the Games Industry
Panel Date, Time: Sunday, September 3 at 1:30 PM PT
Location: Oriole Theatre
Moderator: Elizabeth Kilmer (she/they) – @DoctorKilmer
Panelist List: Michael Futter, (He/Him) – @Futterish Ryan Ike, (he/him) N/A James Chen, (he/him) – @_judgejames_ Chris Dorsey, (he/they) – @dorseus Anya Combs, (she/her) – @anyayna
Panel Name:Comfort in Chaos: The Non-Cozy Comfort Games
Panel Date, Time: Sunday, September 3rd, 5:30pm PT
Location: , Monarch Theatre (STREAMED)
Moderator: Doctor B (he/him) – @TheeDoctorB
Panelist List: Victoria Tran (she/her) – @TheVTran Aenne Schumann (they/them) – @PeachyAennne Chris Leech (he/him) – @ChrisLPsych HTTPaladin (they/them) – @HTTPaladin
Panel Name: Good Grief! What video games can teach us about loss.
Panel Date, Time: Monday, September 4 at 12:30 PM PT
Location: Blue Morpho Theatre
Moderator: [Christopher Leech, (he/him)] – [@ChrisLPsych],
Panelist List: [Dr Sarah Hays, (She/Her)] – [@DrHaysPsyD], [Kristina “Mouse” Johnson, (She/They)] – [@Tinychaosmouse], [Jenny Windom, (she/her)] – [@Kimchica25], [Sara M.E. Ventura, (She/Her)] – [@SvennaCirclet], [Aenne Schumann (they/them)] – [@Peachyaenne]
Panel Name: Inclusive Adventures: Autistic Perspectives in TTRPGs
Panel Date, Time: Monday, September 4 at 12:30 PM PT
Location: Bluejay Theatre (STREAMED)
Moderator: Dr. Elizabeth Kilmer (she/they) – @DoctorKilmer
Panelist List: Alex “famous” Birds (he/him)- @famousbirds Dr. Jared Kilmer, (he/him) – @jaredkilmer Tiffany Waddington, (she/they) Makenzie De Armas, (she/her) – @MakenzieLaneDA